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Writer's pictureKevin Harrison Sr.

A world of offenders and victims - the Beginning of Sorrows

A warning to both the Offender and Victim.

I am writing this blog because of the senseless mass shootings that have taken place in our Nation. The World’s peace is being removed.

The Initiatives and Responses

We have dug this hole ourselves. As much as the world does not want to recognize the truth, here it is…

No, we cannot legislate it away! No, the prison system cannot correct nor protect citizens from the hate, ignorance, violence, and evil [H.I.V.E]

The HIVE is protected by an unseen enemy that has gained influence over the citizens of the world. As if I am not a citizen of this world! Hmmm.

Jesus testified that those whom He has chosen are in the world but not of the world (John 17:13-26). Jesus further explained that He gives peace, not as the world gives peace (John 14:23-29).

The world system has caused many to be disoriented, discouraged, distressed, and living in disbelief that God is real or in control.

Ladies and gentlemen, truthfully, this is only the beginning of sorrows. According to the space of time, we have let us take the initiative to humble ourselves and pray that God will seal us with His Holy Spirit. Let us respond to the chaos in our streets by controlling and influencing one another to unite and resist the pull to react ill-advised in retaliation.

The Offender

The offender is birthed from oppression and cowardice to address the inner disconnect from God. For instance, most offenders have experienced trauma that causes them to become desensitized (wicked). Instead of differentiating the types of trauma, we must consider how to heal the individual.

Not many want that because their sinful nature validates them usurping God’s role in which they are far from worthy.

The offender’s heart and mind are the culprits for their reasoning that others must suffer because they are suffering. No excuse!

Why attract the wrath of God on yourself (OFFENDER) both in this world and the next?

Repent for your wrongs and endure the suffering as you are purged of the wickedness. Allow your heart to be broken and your mindset to be rebuked to receive God’s cleansing of your wicked past. The COST of salvation is our obedience in overcoming our old man so that the NEW MAN (Born of God's Spirit) may be presented to the world.

The Victim

The victim is birthed from the lack of power to move on and the cowardice to seek God’s healing power to address the inner damaged. For instance, your pain, shame, loneliness, and distorted outlook on life are validated by reason of the offense.


However, it is beyond you to heal the brokenness by retaliation. For example, if the perpetrator is jailed, tortured, and killed, the damage remains, and if done at your hands only damages your chances to be healed and escape judgment yourself more.

Instead of us leaving the victims to themselves to figure it out, we must embrace them and walk them through the healing process before the Lord God. This is where those whom God has delivered will mentor.

Again, the culprit is the heart and mind of the individual (victim) that the ruler of this world system uses to stir up the HIVE [Hate, Ignorance, Violence, and Evil] to get vengeance disguised as justice.

The truth is God will deal with those who have caused you harm. Even..., when they are repentant! However, when we remain in the victim mindset, we react and respond in ways that refocus God’s attention from the offender. Yes, now God addresses the victim for not turning it over to Him (the Judge) to handle.

Why attract the wrath of God on yourself (VICTIM) because you trespassed into God’s lane to exert judgment?

Repent for your trespass and seek God’s healing power to "make whole" what was damaged. Allow your vulnerability to be covered by God and His Angels that your garments of mourning will be exchanged for a garment of praise. The COST of salvation is our obedience in overcoming the emotions, feelings, attitudes, and moods that the sin-nature expresses unconsciously. Walk in the newness of life that surrendering your campaign of vengeance affords.

A World filled with Traumatized and Vegenful people (how peace leaves the World)

Where there is healing for both offender and victim, the PEACE of the Lord Jesus overcomes the world system (the HIVE). This is a call to stand up and confront your inner demons! Acknowledge the Government nor Religion has answers for the horrors happening in our streets.

Yes, I said it!

The answers were already written for us to either accept or reject. This world is filled with traumatized and vengeful people under the influence of an unseen enemy that validates the sin-nature.

This is a call to those called by God’s name...

This is a call for those whose hearts and minds are pricked by this blog post…

Repent and Return to God that He may purge and heal your heart, mind, spirit, and soul. Why be the cause of your "own" demise with Satan?

Come out from among them and be separate…(2Corinthians 6:17)

~Your Brother in Christ 21

A Session with your Brother.

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