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Self-Care 101: (You doubting or not believing?)

Writer's picture: Kevin Harrison Sr.Kevin Harrison Sr.

Doubt is the result of a troubled mind and a broken heart. You have questions.

Unbelief is the result of your decision not to allow yourself to be convinced. You have answers.

In life, we tend to concern ourselves with three things: 1) Our Health, 2) Our Wealth, and 3) Our Relationships. From a biblical perspective, we are becoming less interested in fixing our relationship with God than with ourselves, finances, and others.


How are things working for you?

How does it end for you?

The Truth:

Stress and artificial products are compromising our health at an alarming rate. Based on our decisions. Yet, the testimony about Jesus is He relieves people of stress and heals the sick. Our measure of faith will cause us to make adjustments and corrections to our decisions.

Our spending habits and thieves deplete our wealth at an alarming rate. Based on our decisions. Yet, the testimony about Jesus is He taught discipline and attracted blessings of increase to those willing to believe and obey Him as Lord. Our measure of faith will cause us to make adjustments and corrections to our decisions.

Offenses, betrayal, and abuse weaken our relationships at an alarming rate. Based on our decisions. [When each person takes ownership for their actions and agrees to resolve the conflict together is a decision they make] Yet, the testimony about Jesus is He is the conflict resolution to mend the broken relationship between creator and created.

Brotherly suggestion:

Your questions should be addressed to God in prayer and fasting. Pray for wisdom, understanding, and to know the truth about your crisis moment. Fast from your selfish desires, spending on things that don’t increase your asset column, and toxic relationships that saps your joy and peace of mind. Jesus came back to eliminate doubts Thomas had about Him. Perhaps, by God’s Grace and Mercy, He will intervene in our lives to erase the doubt.

You must “make the decision” to accept or reject the testimony about Jesus. You must “make the decision” to acknowledge or willfully refuse that God’s Ways are best suited for rendering the world’s deviant system powerless over you and your loved ones.

~Your Brother in Christ

Believe the testimony about Jesus and make peace with God. May God restore your health, wealth, and purposeful relationships.

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