Many of us are overwhelmed with worry and stress because we tend to miss the target - a lot!
We want answers and solutions.
Let me say this; you have done the “Best you know how,” and the outcome proves the correlation between your actions and effectiveness. Don’t be discouraged!
This Blog is to encourage you to change your perspectives and perceptions about achieving your God-given purpose.
The Right Objective must be established first.
God created us for a reason. God’s reason has an objective attached to it. Our best is not suited for us to pursue our own objectives and be effective. For instance, many of our high-profile celebrities pursue money and fame but struggle with having peace of mind.
Peace of Mind
Unless God has turned us over to ourselves because we refuse to comply with His Plans for our lives, work, and relationships - our conscience is not at peace. This message perhaps may help even those who have been released to themselves to Repent and receive PEACE OF MIND. It is possible!
The Right Objective to focus on achieving is to represent God by managing (to the best of your abilities) what He places in your care. Yes, people, tasks, things, and places are the usual pieces God will place in the care of His Chosen.
I was listening to Eric Thomas (an excellent motivator and preacher) speak on the Plans of God for our lives. Eric quoted Jeremiah 29:11 - “For I know what plans I have in mind for you,’ says Adonai, ‘plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future.” (I chose the Complete Jewish Bible Version).
Because this Blog is a series, I will concentrate on discussing having peace of mind while pursuing God’s Plan for your life, work, and relationships.
Pray - “Heavenly Father, reveal the objective I am to pursue so that I may please You with a (Peace of Mind)?”
Prioritize - God’s revelation - He has our well-being in mind so that we can have hope and a future.
Pursue - God’s Holy Spirit inspires us with interests that will cause us to interact with people and events. Therefore, rigorously pursue what the Holy Spirit inspires you uncompromisingly.
Trust - Nothing happens in our favor until we persuade our inner man to Trust God’s Grace will cause us to be effective and efficient in achieving His Plans for our lives, work, and relationships.
Side note:
When our best is enough, we know this isn’t of God but our own desires and objectives being pursued. For instance, many are successful without God because they are pursuing their own plans. Yet, the Bible says, What good is it to gain the world but forfeit your Soul (Life)? [Matthew 16:26 and Mark 8:36]
There is no Peace of Mind knowing you sold your Soul for temporary fame and status quo!!! No Hope or Future.
Jesus was hated and criticized for telling the Truth, doing charitable work, and preaching hope to a hopeless community.
Our best isn’t good enough! People will find fault and press to cancel and discredit you for the good you do.
This occurs when the good you do does not feed their ego and appease their greed. Do not fear their Threats and Actions moved against you. Remember, when you pursue God’s Plan, He has your well-being in mind to provide HOPE and a FUTURE.
Cause your mind to be at peace, knowing that when we Repent and Pursue God’s Plan and not our own - God Himself will Intervene on our behalf when Threatened and Persecuted by egotistical and greedy people whose pride is injured by the good we do.
Thank you for reading this Blog. It is better to continue to pursue God’s Plans for your life, work, and relationships - even if it means others may hate and persecute you. Your Reward is Peace of Mind - knowing that Eternity with God is better than Eternity without God.
~Your Brother in Christ 21
“A session with your Brother.”